Publications in Yiddish
Apart from teaching and research work, I publish prose and poetry in Yiddish. You can read my essay about the first days of the Ukrainian war in Afn shvel no. 394–395, 2022, or my debut poetry publication in Yiddishland no. 19, 2023. My other poems were published in Birobidzhaner shtern and Yiddish Culture.
Yiddish Women Poets
A series of articles in the Russian language about prominent Yiddish women poets (Celia Dropkin, Rokhl Korn, Kadya Molodowsky, and others). The articles include my own translations of their poems.
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Notes on Teaching Yiddish in Berlin
Reflections on my first in-person Yiddish courses in Berlin and specifics of working with a German-speaking audience.
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The Image of Streetwalkers in Itzik Manger's and Debora Vogel's Ballads
(co-author Dr. Anastasiya Lyubas)
By con­sid­er­ing the image of the street­walk­er in Manger's and Vogel's work, we deep­en the under­stand­ing of Yid­dish cre­ativ­i­ty as ulti­mate­ly mul­ti­modal and interconnected.
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Yiddish Studies in Russian: 2014–2019
This anno­tat­ed bib­li­og­ra­phy is the first attempt to com­pile a list of Yid­dish Stud­ies schol­ar­ship pub­lished in Rus­sia between 2014 and 2019.
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"Vi in posek shteyt geshribn": On the Problem of Translating Quotations from the Sacred Texts in Sholem Aleichem's Tevye the Dairyman into Russian
(in Russian)
The article explains how different translation strategies influence Sholem Aleichem's characters and his work by often simplifying or distorting the original intention.
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Berlin Artists Weave Yiddish Poetry Into Their Work
(in Yiddish)
A review of the Yiddish culture festival and exhibition "Di farbloyte feder – berliner zeydes."
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